Marisol Silva is the daughter of Mexican immigrants and grew up in Arizona’s K-12 public schools. She earned a BA in Latin American Studies from Yale University, where she also became a young mother. After graduation, Marisol went home to Arizona to raise her daughter around family, and also to work with first generation college, low income, and Spanish-speaking college students. More recently, she worked in Latina/o/x student achievement at Saint Mary’s College. Marisol has an MA in Ethnic Studies and is currently a PhD Candidate in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley. She speaks Spanish fluently.
Pronouns: She/her/hers
What was your major college mistake?
I flat out refused to go to the library during my first year of college. I was intimidated (with a strong dose of imposter syndrome) by the huge gothic-cathedral-look of buildings with carvings of gargoyles. Luckily, a good friend took me to the library and showed me all the best spots for studying alone, in groups, or just reading. I still get intimidated by libraries sometimes but I’ve learned to take deep breaths, find work buddies, and ask for help!
What do you enjoy talking about with undergrads?
I love to talk to all undergrads about everything! Given my personal and professional experiences, however, I especially like talking to students about: adjusting to an intense college environment; being far away from home; choosing a major your parents don’t like/understand; identifying as first generation in college or the US, low income, queer, or as a student of color; living with psychological disabilities; and being a student-parent. I also love talking about applying to graduate school!
I can be contacted at my email: